Gut Health

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Never leave without them: Travel probiotics

Gut Health, Travel| Views: 3160

On the road to the unknown or the all inclusive resort! Although traveler’s diarrhea is more common in tropical and developing countries, other destinations are not exempt. You are planning a family trip and you want to avoid the “turista”, Montezuma’s revenge, or any other colourful nickname according to the region you travel to such as Delhi Belly in India, Kathmandu Quickstep in Nepal. The statistics are meaningful: up to 60% of travelers can be affected by this condition since their systems are not accustomed to foreign bacteria1....

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Brighten up your menu with probiotics

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 2784

The benefits of probiotics on health are well recognized. They have positive effects on the digestive and immune system and on organs in the body such as the heart and brain. To fully enjoy the benefits of these good bacteria, probiotics must be consumed every day. A daily consumption allows to maintain the balance in the microbiota, this very populous and decisive intestinal flora, from which emerges all the beneficial bacterial activity. Daily intake is not always easy when one is caught in the whirlwind of life,...

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Health through the belly

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 2884

“Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion.”  Jean-Jacques Rousseau Digestion and seniors Our digestive tract is populated with a hundred trillion organisms, more than ten times the total number of cells in the body1. This is an overpopulation that favours its host … as long as it welcomes more good bacteria than bad. Things go wrong when there is a microbial imbalance in the system caused by changes in diet,...

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Intestine patients: change your faith!

Gut Health| Views: 2892

Inflammatory bowel diseases, an umbrella term that includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, are chronic disorders with severe relapses followed by periods of remission1. Unfortunately, their incidence has been on the rise for the last thirty years, the subject has been put forward and medical expertise is dedicated to finding solutions2. Although the origins of inflammatory bowel diseases remain unknown, their inflammation is attributed to an exaggerated immune response in people with impaired intestinal microbiota (known as dysbiosis) and a damaged epithelial barrier3,4,5,6....

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Anti-aging probiotic cure

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 3139

With life experiences and the years passing, the body changes. The composition, diversity and function of the microbiota is altered over time. The decline of the immune system (called immununosenescence) as well as a chronic inflammation (inflammaging) are responsable of this situation1. The population is aging: in 2016, almost 40% of Canadians were over fifty2. Rejuvenating strains? The bacterial profile varies from one person to another and even more so,...

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A clear picture of antibiotics and probiotics

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 4226

Antibiotherapy saves lives and extends many others … However, antiobiotics attack pathogenic and beneficial bacteria, not distinguishing between good and bad “soldiers” of the organism. In order to fully understand the situation, let us imagine that our intestinal flora is a bacterial garden where antibiotics are somewhat clumsy gardeners weeding both bad and good bacteria. Diarrhea is often an undesirable effect of this process. Such perturbation of the intestinal microbiota is also associated with an increased susceptibility to other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis,...

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Microbiota and autism

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 2906

7It is very likely that you know someone, whether it’s a relative of a friend of a friend, who suffers from autism spectrum disorder… There ha been an important growth of cases in the last decade: between 2005 and 2011, the number of autistic students enrolled in the public sector in Quebec doubled1. Individuals with autism have difficulty communicating and interacting socially. They also have behaviours, interests and habits that are rigid,...

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Probiotics at any age

Gut Health, Kids Health, Well Being| Views: 4138

For Kids We wish to protect them from any harm. These little ones are at the same time resilient but quite fragile. To help our young brave infectious diarrhea and treat eczema, probiotics like Probaclac Children with Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria have proven effectiveness1,2. In addition to supplementation, a varied diet and source of lactic acid bacteria (as found in yogurt and fermented milk) and prebiotics (found in legumes and fruits) is crucial3!...

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A probiotic overdose?

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 4010

Different brands of probiotics can contain many billions of active bacteria. Contrary to what one might think, it is best to not think too big. When it comes to good bacteria, you must know when to stop…MORE is not necessarily better! Feed your system without overloading it For those who wish to maintain the balance of their microbiota, a few billion active cells will suffice (such is the dosage in the Probaclac product line)1....

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Choosing the right probiotic!

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 56133

You are curious about trying probiotics but are perplexed given the broad product offer on the market? You ought to pay attention to more than just the attractive packaging, and have a look at the ingredients to discover what strains of bacteria are being offered. There are probiotics with single or multiple strains, then others with multi-stem and multi-species. Multiplying the Strains Equals Getting Endless Benefits Our body has a bacterial profile consisting of two distinct strains: human strains residing in the gastrointestinal tract (e.g....

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