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Never leave without them: Travel probiotics

Gut Health, Travel| Views: 3303

On the road to the unknown or the all inclusive resort! Although traveler’s diarrhea is more common in tropical and developing countries, other destinations are not exempt. You are planning a family trip and you want to avoid the “turista”, Montezuma’s revenge, or any other colourful nickname according to the region you travel to such as Delhi Belly in India, Kathmandu Quickstep in Nepal. The statistics are meaningful: up to 60% of travelers can be affected by this condition since their systems are not accustomed to foreign bacteria1....

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Probiotics : your travel insurance!

Travel| Views: 2740

Traveler’s diarrhea, also known as TD, is an infection similar to gastroenteritis. Symptoms include abundant liquid stools; queasiness; fever and nausea and even vomiting. Pathogenic bacteria, which cause the disease are transmitted mainly by contaminated water and food or by contact with an infected person. More than half of those venturing overseas will suffer from diarrhea1. The risk is even higher in the Middle East, South Asia, North Africa and in Central and South America2....

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