Well Being

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Food allergies: Pandemic?

Well Being| Views: 2845

When eating becomes hazardous  Food allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to a normally harmless protein in a food. The immune system of persons afflicted by this condition treats certain proteins as harmful agents against which it must defend itself. The allergic reaction can be immediate or take time to manifest. Symptoms can vary in severity, ranging from difficulty breathing or swallowing to respiratory arrest. Some people may suffer from low blood pressure, fast heart rate,...

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Defeat constipation Once and for all

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 3520

The person who suffers from constipation has infrequent stools and/or a difficult evacuation of “bodily waste”. Most of the time, the cause is a prolonged intestinal transit, which means, the digested food moves very slowly along the digestive tract. The body then absorbs all the water contained in the stools which become hard and dry. Constipation may be associated with poor dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle, stress, delayed evacuation of stools, food allergies or intolerances, underlying intestinal disease,...

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Brighten up your menu with probiotics

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 2784

The benefits of probiotics on health are well recognized. They have positive effects on the digestive and immune system and on organs in the body such as the heart and brain. To fully enjoy the benefits of these good bacteria, probiotics must be consumed every day. A daily consumption allows to maintain the balance in the microbiota, this very populous and decisive intestinal flora, from which emerges all the beneficial bacterial activity. Daily intake is not always easy when one is caught in the whirlwind of life,...

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Bacterial colonization and dentition

Kids Health, Well Being| Views: 2966

Bite into life with your pearly whites! Humans are made up of more bacterial cells than cells specific to the body. Only a few hours after birth, the mouth is richly colonized1. Nearly a thousand bacterial species inhabit the oral cavity of healthy people, forming a balanced microbiota that prevents dental problems and gum disorders, among other things2. Periodontitis, an inflammatory disease of the mouth, affects many elderly people....

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Health through the belly

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 2884

“Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion.”  Jean-Jacques Rousseau Digestion and seniors Our digestive tract is populated with a hundred trillion organisms, more than ten times the total number of cells in the body1. This is an overpopulation that favours its host … as long as it welcomes more good bacteria than bad. Things go wrong when there is a microbial imbalance in the system caused by changes in diet,...

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Gloomy end of life rather than happy?

Well Being, Women's Health| Views: 3047

“Depression is the leading cause of years lost due to disability.”   World Health Organization, Geneva 2008 Depression in the elderly It is difficult to obtain statistics on geriatric depression, as depression is underreported in seniors’ surveys, which makes it impossible to reveal the true extent of the problem. Old age is a period of loss and frailty (in terms of autonomy, cognition, motor functions, among others). It may well be that you know a relative,...

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Anti-aging probiotic cure

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 3139

With life experiences and the years passing, the body changes. The composition, diversity and function of the microbiota is altered over time. The decline of the immune system (called immununosenescence) as well as a chronic inflammation (inflammaging) are responsable of this situation1. The population is aging: in 2016, almost 40% of Canadians were over fifty2. Rejuvenating strains? The bacterial profile varies from one person to another and even more so,...

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A clear picture of antibiotics and probiotics

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 4226

Antibiotherapy saves lives and extends many others … However, antiobiotics attack pathogenic and beneficial bacteria, not distinguishing between good and bad “soldiers” of the organism. In order to fully understand the situation, let us imagine that our intestinal flora is a bacterial garden where antibiotics are somewhat clumsy gardeners weeding both bad and good bacteria. Diarrhea is often an undesirable effect of this process. Such perturbation of the intestinal microbiota is also associated with an increased susceptibility to other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis,...

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Microbiota and autism

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 2906

7It is very likely that you know someone, whether it’s a relative of a friend of a friend, who suffers from autism spectrum disorder… There ha been an important growth of cases in the last decade: between 2005 and 2011, the number of autistic students enrolled in the public sector in Quebec doubled1. Individuals with autism have difficulty communicating and interacting socially. They also have behaviours, interests and habits that are rigid,...

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Probiotics at any age

Gut Health, Kids Health, Well Being| Views: 4138

For Kids We wish to protect them from any harm. These little ones are at the same time resilient but quite fragile. To help our young brave infectious diarrhea and treat eczema, probiotics like Probaclac Children with Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria have proven effectiveness1,2. In addition to supplementation, a varied diet and source of lactic acid bacteria (as found in yogurt and fermented milk) and prebiotics (found in legumes and fruits) is crucial3!...

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