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Probiotics : your travel insurance!

Travel| Views: 2814

Traveler’s diarrhea, also known as TD, is an infection similar to gastroenteritis. Symptoms include abundant liquid stools; queasiness; fever and nausea and even vomiting. Pathogenic bacteria, which cause the disease are transmitted mainly by contaminated water and food or by contact with an infected person. More than half of those venturing overseas will suffer from diarrhea1. The risk is even higher in the Middle East, South Asia, North Africa and in Central and South America2.

Tour the planet without rushing to the toilet

Taking probiotics every day, one week before the departure date, then continuing daily for the duration of the trip and a week after the return can help prevent undesirable intestinal surprises. Choosing a formula which doesn’t require refrigeration, such as Probaclac Travelers makes the planning that much easier3. It is of course advisable to follow the directions on the bottle, take the supplements with meals and delay antibiotic intake (if any) for at least 2 hours.

To prevent constipation from being part of the journey

It seems that even if we love to explore new places, our intestines do not travel so effortlessly… Beyond fear of diarrhea, travelers may fear constipation. It arises when there is a change in eating habits, when hydration is poor and when the time spent sitting in a plane, car or train is prolonged. Again, probiotics offer intestinal regularity for digestive peace and peace of mind.

Flash Quiz to see who the Experts are!

True or False? Preventive measure such as hygiene while staying abroad greatly decrease the risk of infection.

False. While washing hands and carefully choosing food are certainly good habits, they will not prevent traveler’s diarrhea as much as one might think.

Is it possible (though clearly unlucky) to have diarrhea and experience constipation during the same trip?

Absolutely. One does not rule out the other, especially if you do not have control over what you are drinking and eating, also if you are taking medication affecting digestion.


Kollaritsch H, Paulke-Korinek M et Wiedermann U. Traveler’s Diarrhea. Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2012 Sep; 26(3): 691-706.

2 Hill DR et Beeching NJ. Travelers’ diarrhea. Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2010 Oct; 23(5): 481-7.

3 Probaclac [Website]. Consulted May 27 2017. http://www.probaclac.ca/formule-voyageur