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Healthy aging…through the microbiota

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 3499

“Everyone is the age of their heart.” – Guatemalan Proverb A joyful old-age After Japan and South Korea, Quebec is one of the societies with more people accessing advanced stages of life1. Despite this great fortune, statistics on the aging population are not always very encouraging. We are informed about diseases associated with aging, the cognitive decline that occurs over time, the consequent loss of autonomy … And what if we were to bet on the prevention of senescence,...

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Femme enceinte avec souliers de bébé

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Probiotics and pregnancy mix well

Kids Health, Women's Health| Views: 4222

To witness the birth of a child is our best opportunity to experience the meaning of the word miracle. – Paul Carvel Pregnant women’s microbiome The intestinal microbiota of pregnant women is determined by their pre-gestational state in particular: weight, nutritional deficiencies, medical conditions, as well as by the way they experience pregnancy for example: weight gain, their eating habits, if there are complications, among others1....

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Prevail over Vaginitis (bacterial vaginosis)

Women's Health| Views: 4207

Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection, so we have to talk about it! It is the most common reason for consultation among North American women. It is said that all women will suffer from this infection at least once in their life. Although half of the infected women have no symptoms, the others notice vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. Generally, there is no pain or irritation. The reproductive system “houses” many bacteria, including the essential lactobacilli that reduce the vaginal pH and discourage bad bacteria from settling there1....

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Food allergies: Pandemic?

Well Being| Views: 3028

When eating becomes hazardous  Food allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to a normally harmless protein in a food. The immune system of persons afflicted by this condition treats certain proteins as harmful agents against which it must defend itself. The allergic reaction can be immediate or take time to manifest. Symptoms can vary in severity, ranging from difficulty breathing or swallowing to respiratory arrest. Some people may suffer from low blood pressure, fast heart rate,...

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Defeat constipation Once and for all

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 3685

The person who suffers from constipation has infrequent stools and/or a difficult evacuation of “bodily waste”. Most of the time, the cause is a prolonged intestinal transit, which means, the digested food moves very slowly along the digestive tract. The body then absorbs all the water contained in the stools which become hard and dry. Constipation may be associated with poor dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle, stress, delayed evacuation of stools, food allergies or intolerances, underlying intestinal disease,...

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Never leave without them: Travel probiotics

Gut Health, Travel| Views: 3380

On the road to the unknown or the all inclusive resort! Although traveler’s diarrhea is more common in tropical and developing countries, other destinations are not exempt. You are planning a family trip and you want to avoid the “turista”, Montezuma’s revenge, or any other colourful nickname according to the region you travel to such as Delhi Belly in India, Kathmandu Quickstep in Nepal. The statistics are meaningful: up to 60% of travelers can be affected by this condition since their systems are not accustomed to foreign bacteria1....

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Brighten up your menu with probiotics

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 2979

The benefits of probiotics on health are well recognized. They have positive effects on the digestive and immune system and on organs in the body such as the heart and brain. To fully enjoy the benefits of these good bacteria, probiotics must be consumed every day. A daily consumption allows to maintain the balance in the microbiota, this very populous and decisive intestinal flora, from which emerges all the beneficial bacterial activity. Daily intake is not always easy when one is caught in the whirlwind of life,...

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Probiotics for a genius mind

Kids Health| Views: 3500

The effects of probiotics go well beyond the intestines: of course, they optimize digestion at any age, but also develop the brain of the little ones, in addition to supporting their immune system, avoid embarrassing episodes in the bathroom and to prevent certain dermatological problems occurring at a young age. Psycho-biotics If it’s true that everything is determined before the age of six, it is best to start the supplementation early. And, once older and bigger,...

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Bacterial colonization and dentition

Kids Health, Well Being| Views: 3172

Bite into life with your pearly whites! Humans are made up of more bacterial cells than cells specific to the body. Only a few hours after birth, the mouth is richly colonized1. Nearly a thousand bacterial species inhabit the oral cavity of healthy people, forming a balanced microbiota that prevents dental problems and gum disorders, among other things2. Periodontitis, an inflammatory disease of the mouth, affects many elderly people....

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Health through the belly

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 3065

“Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion.”  Jean-Jacques Rousseau Digestion and seniors Our digestive tract is populated with a hundred trillion organisms, more than ten times the total number of cells in the body1. This is an overpopulation that favours its host … as long as it welcomes more good bacteria than bad. Things go wrong when there is a microbial imbalance in the system caused by changes in diet,...

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