Kids Health

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Insatiable appetite? Think of Bacteria!

Gut Health, Kids Health, Well Being, Women's Health| Views: 4694

The hunger phenomenon and the numerous micro-organisms that make up the microbiota are two subjects that fascinate humans and that are in fact … intimately related! Today there is reason to believe that our eating habits are partly dictated by our intestinal flora. Conventional opinion often associates junk food and malnutrition to a simple lack of will1. The attempt to resist cravings for high fat and sweet foods is a daily struggle for many people1....

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Bacteriotherapy at your fingertips

Gut Health, Kids Health, Well Being, Women's Health| Views: 4680

Micro-organisms colonize different regions of the human body, from the skin to the oral and nasal cavities, to the digestive and urogenital systems. The vast majority of microbes reside in the intestinal tract1. This powerful system is home to a bacterial complex and dynamic population; a human microbiota exerting a significant influence on the health of the host2. The digestive tract represents one of the largest interfaces (an area of 250 to 400 square meters) between humans and their environment2....

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Femme enceinte avec souliers de bébé

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Probiotics and pregnancy mix well

Kids Health, Women's Health| Views: 4214

To witness the birth of a child is our best opportunity to experience the meaning of the word miracle. – Paul Carvel Pregnant women’s microbiome The intestinal microbiota of pregnant women is determined by their pre-gestational state in particular: weight, nutritional deficiencies, medical conditions, as well as by the way they experience pregnancy for example: weight gain, their eating habits, if there are complications, among others1....

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Probiotics for a genius mind

Kids Health| Views: 3492

The effects of probiotics go well beyond the intestines: of course, they optimize digestion at any age, but also develop the brain of the little ones, in addition to supporting their immune system, avoid embarrassing episodes in the bathroom and to prevent certain dermatological problems occurring at a young age. Psycho-biotics If it’s true that everything is determined before the age of six, it is best to start the supplementation early. And, once older and bigger,...

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Bacterial colonization and dentition

Kids Health, Well Being| Views: 3163

Bite into life with your pearly whites! Humans are made up of more bacterial cells than cells specific to the body. Only a few hours after birth, the mouth is richly colonized1. Nearly a thousand bacterial species inhabit the oral cavity of healthy people, forming a balanced microbiota that prevents dental problems and gum disorders, among other things2. Periodontitis, an inflammatory disease of the mouth, affects many elderly people....

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Be wise – back to school with Probiotics

Kids Health| Views: 3702

Returning to the classroom or daycare involves the resumption of an academic, food, sleep routine and presents its share of butterflies … and of bacteria in the belly! Contacts between pupils at school and children at the daycare service as well as the germs in these environments can seriously test the immune system of our young ones. Starting probiotic supplementation about a week before going back to school and kindergarten is a wise idea, to prepare the bacterial flora of your little geniuses and give a boost to their immune system to prevent unwanted infections....

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Probiotics at any age

Gut Health, Kids Health, Well Being| Views: 4290

For Kids We wish to protect them from any harm. These little ones are at the same time resilient but quite fragile. To help our young brave infectious diarrhea and treat eczema, probiotics like Probaclac Children with Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria have proven effectiveness1,2. In addition to supplementation, a varied diet and source of lactic acid bacteria (as found in yogurt and fermented milk) and prebiotics (found in legumes and fruits) is crucial3!...

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Probiotics, not just for grownups!

Kids Health| Views: 2981

There are as many good bacteria present in the children’s digestive tract, if not more (per relative area) than in adults. In some cases, such as premature birth, caesarean delivery, and inability to breastfeed, infants have fewer reserves1. During childhood, things can go wrong if our children are affected by changes in diet, are exposed to infections in day care and at school, undergo physical or emotional stress, if there is diarrhea and when antibiotics are taken2....

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