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Probiotics…a rejuvenating remedy?

Gut Health, Well Being| Views: 2871

The average person seeks to add life to their years and years to their life! We are lucky nowadays since the average lifespan has doubled over the last century. And the future looks promising since rumours suggest that, as of 2030, life expectancy will reach age 90.

An Evolution That Pushes the Limits of Longevity

Nowadays we are able to challenge diseases and preserve the proper function of our body. Agricultural and industrial revolutions have indeed allowed medical breakthroughs that provide us with some immunity. On the other hand, modernity also favours a refined diet that is poor in good bacteria, which causes an imbalance of the microbiota (all the bacteria living in us). Older people are particularly concerned because the aging process puts the bacterial flora in jeopardy.

Treatment for the Young at Heart

In a quest for rejuvenation and to compensate for the effects of this industrialization, the probiotic treatment is very interesting. Probiotics have indeed been successfully used in the elderly to treat respiratory and gastrointestinal infections and then to improve the response to vaccination and also to prevent constipation and to restore the normal function of the body after antibiotics.

Keeping one’s rationale and cognition…

Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and depression are unfortunately common ailments during the «golden age». The good news is that the intake of probiotics amongst the elderly helps maintaining the cognitive functions in addition to helping to reduce metabolic problems, such as the insulin resistance that is common in this population.

To Spruce Oneself Up From the Inside!

Who says healthy intestines, says healthy skin! A Micro biotic balance is essential to healthy skin, and probiotics act to protect and strengthen the epidermis. There is good reason to believe that taking good bacteria helps to reduce the oxidative stress of the skin, reduce its photo sensitivity, nourish the scalp and even decrease the appearance of wrinkles.

A probiotic a day keeps the doctor away (almost) forever?!

Probiotic supplements are obviously a simple and safe potion for seniors, who deserve to age well and in good health. Good vitality to all!!!


1 Radio-Canada.ca. [Website] Consulted April 17 2017. http://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1018279/esperance-vie-90-ans-2030

2 Valle Gottlieb MG, Closs VE, Junges VM et al. Impact Of Human Aging And Modern Lifestyle On Microbiota. Crit RevFood Sci Nutr. 2017; Jan 13:0 [e-publication].

3 Bischoff, SC. Microbiota and aging. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2016; Jan 19 (1): 26-30.

4 Rondanelli, M., Giocosa A., Faliva MA et al. Review on microbiota and effectiveness of probiotics use in older. World J Clin Cases. 2015; Feb 16 (2): 156-62.

5 Akbari E, Asemi Z, Daneshvar Kakhaki R et al. Effect of Probiotic Supplementation on Cognitive Function and Metabolic Status in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Randomized, Double-Blind and Controlled Trial. Front Aging Neurosci. 2016; Nov 10 (8): 26-30.

6 Sharma D, Kober MM et Bowe WP. Anti-Aging Effects of Probiotics. J Drugs Dermatol.. 2016; Jan 15 (1): 9-12.